Social Worker Jobs in Wigston
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Social Worker - Criminal Exploitation Team
- Wigston | Apr 21, 2021 EMSS
- EMSS - Wigston, Leicestershire - Please Note: Interviews will be held on the 10th and 11th May 2021 Leicestershire remains committed to respond to children vulnerable t...
Social Worker - Criminal Exploitation Team
- Wigston | Apr 13, 2021 EMSS
- EMSS - Wigston, Leicestershire - Please Note: Interviews will be held on the 10th and 11th May 2021 Leicestershire remains committed to respond to children vulnerable t...
Social Worker - Criminal Exploitation Team
- Wigston | Apr 11, 2021 EMSS
- EMSS - Wigston, Leicestershire - Please Note: Interviews will be held on the 10th and 11th May 2021 Leicestershire remains committed to respond to children vulnerable t...