Healthcare Jobs in Oswestry
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Healthcare Assistant
- Oswestry | May 29, 2021
- Oswestry, Shropshire - Nurseplus are looking for experienced Healthcare Assistants to provide person centred care to clients within local Residential and Nursing homes
Healthcare Assistant (Apcs)
- Oswestry | Apr 29, 2021 NHS
- NHS - Oswestry, Shropshire - The Advanced Primary Care service is seeking to a recruit a Healthcare Assistant for 30 hours per week Tuesday-Friday for 7.5 hours per day
Healthcare Assistant
- Oswestry | Apr 10, 2021 Nurseplus
- Nurseplus - Oswestry, Shropshire - Nurseplus are looking for Healthcare Assistants to provide person centred care to clients within local Residential and Nursing homes